We provide full site investigation services, from preliminary desktop studies to intrusive testing using trial pits and boreholes. We offer geo-technical advise based upon soil conditions and onsite testing supported by laboratory testing as required. Following the geo-technical investigation we can recommend foundation and ground floor slab solutions for the building.
We provide environmental advise relating to ground contamination, ground gas emissions and the development of brownfield sites. Should laboratory analysis of soils confirm the presence of contamination we can provide remediation strategies and validation reports following remediation.
We carry out percolation testing for soakaway design based upon BRE 365 and can size and detail soakaways from these results.
We can provide all equipment such as JCB, window sampling borehole rigs, water bowsers for percolation tests and hand held shear vanes for determining shear strengths of clay soils.
Our team has many years of experience in this field and we tailor our services to suit each site or the clients / Local Authority / NHBC requirements.
- The Radleigh Group
- Sitwell Homes
- Sharpe Properties
- Hamlet New Homes
- Builders / Developers of Individual sites